KINGTECH is distributing many brands of LCD panel and driver IC,this business guarantee long term stable supply.

Our customers are using our displays mainly for industrial/medical/smart home E-bike applications,which request at least 5-10 years lifetime.We are experienced on producing displays for such applications,from the LCD panel,display driver to backlight LED and touch panel driver,we will choose the most stable supply products,to make sure the final displays will be supplied at least 5-10years.

Also we have very deep cooperation with the LCD panel original manufacturers,if any type of LCD panel we were using was going to be end of life,we will get the information in time,so we can inform our customers to do the last buy and to find the alternative solution for our customer in short time.


What if the display was EOL?

Usually a display EOL is because of the LCD panel was end of life or stopped produced.

Firstly we will check with the original LCD panel manufacturer,if the panel was really end of life,we will get the final production quantity and lead time,and negotiate with our customer help them to do the last buy.Sometimes the last buy quantity will be large,to make sure the project will move forward we will buy the LCD panel together with our customer,just to make sure customer will get the panel without any problem.

If the display driver was end of life,there will be an alternative version or an update version,we will move to the new version and make new samples for our customer to do double check.

For the backlight, FPC and touch panel, usually we invest our own tools to guarantee long term stable supply.

We can not guarantee that our display will never EOL,cause every brand of LCD panel and driver have their own lifetime,but what we can guarantee is we will help our customer and make an alternative solution to replace the old display,we will take the responsibility and always stand with our customer.

What if the display was EOL?
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