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Kingtech PV06803H0140D is bar type TFT LCD display. It is 6.8 inch with a resolution of 480*1280.

Kingtech PV06803H0140D is bar type TFT LCD display. It is 6.8 inch with a resolution of 480*1280. It adopts IPS panel technology, with full viewing angle, that make you see clearly from all direction. Its brightness is 500nits, and can be customized.Its operating temperature is -20~70C, that enable it to be applied for all fields. Touch panel is optional. PV06803H0140D is widely used in home appliance, digital electronics, advertising displays, etc.

PV06803H0140D is widely used in home appliance, digital electronics, advertising displays, etc.

Such as refrigerator display panels, washing machine display panels, computer sub-screens, vehicle displays and other products.

  1. Bar type, strip-shaped
  2. IPS, normally black, negative display type
  3. Full/Wide/All viewing angle
  4. Bar type,strip-shaped
  5. High brightness/Sunlight readable/Outdoor
  6. Support MIPI interface.
  7. Touch optional


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