Unique lcd display resourse from Kingtech Group

Unique lcd display resourse from Kingtech Group


Unique Resourse


Kingtech has been in lcd display industry more than 16 years. We have accumulated a lot of rare resources and technologies.

At the same time, We provide customers with not only display products, more display solutions and personalized services.


12.3” 1920*720 LCD display                                  10.4” 1024*100 bar display             

12.3'' lcd display         10.4'' bar tape display


4.82” 480*1120  LCD display+CTP               3.4” 800*800 round LCD with CTP for raspberry pi

mipi lcd touch        PV03400AR39A-正面 (2)


Contact us:



Scarlett Fan

Phone/Wechat: +86 13923721955

Skype: Kingtech06

e-mall: kingtech06@kingtechgroup.com







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